Hundreds of people have sent donations for my campaign in the last two weeks. I am hugely grateful to all of you. I couldn’t do this campaign without you. 

I also understand this is an extraordinary demonstration of trust as well as support. I want to repay that trust with complete transparency. So, I have listed below all the expenses I’ve had so far, the expenses I anticipate right now (this will change) and the donations I have received.

Expenses (January 2022)
Email Services$79
Business Address$233
Domain Fees$663
Total Expenses$975
Anticipated Expenses
AEC Political Party Registration$500
AEC Election Candidate Registration$2000
Email service subscriptions and support$1000
Graphic Design & website$1000
Video recording and editing$2000
Social Media Promotion$3000
Total Anticipated Expenses$9500
Direct Debit$1260
Total Donations$5897

Current fund-raising goal: $4,578


This is a grassroots campaign. I have no major funders and I don’t expect to get any – because I won’t make promises in exchange for money. 

If this campaign is going to pay for all the paraphernalia of campaigning, it’s going to come from you. I know this is a tough time for everyone. Small amounts from a lot of people can really add up, so if you can spare even a few dollars, please do. 

Donations might be tax deductible (see this information from the Australian Tax Office) but you should always check tax advice with your accountant.

Bank: Bendigo Bank
Name: Jane Gilmore
BSB: 633000
Account number: 165541624


Or if the PayPal button isn’t working try this link


Click here or search Jane Gilmore on the GoFundMe website

Fix It Party Registration

No one else will have access to your information other than me. I will not share or sell your data. I will use your email address to keep you up to date with what I am doing in the campaign, but you can unsubscribe at any time. 


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