The Brisbane Times reported on an inquest into the death of an Aboriginal woman by referring to her as “bag-of-bones” in the headline.

Inquests are excruciating. All the people who loved her will hear devastating details about her life and death. Many of them will have to give evidence, which is in itself a traumatic experience. All of them still have to live with not knowing what happened to her. In addition to that, all the people who knew and loved this woman also have to live with the racism they know is seeded into every aspect of our legal system.

Now they also have to live with knowing the woman they loved was referred to as a “bag-of-bones” by the Brisbane Times.

This is beyond abhorrent.


If you’re reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

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Books by Jane Gilmore

Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children

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