Published Articles King’s Tribune: Leading Abbott January 24, 2014 Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Abbott fell into the leadership almost by accident. And he’s proven that he doesn’t have the ability to lead. Reading between the Battlelines, the reason for this is not just lack of ability, it’s also that he doesn’t really want it. Jane's NewsletterSign up now to get a 20% discount PLUS free postage on any book purchase from my website.The newsletter comes lands in your inbox (once a week at most) to give you updates about subscriber discounts, events and new publications by Jane Gilmore.SubscribeWe respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.Built with Kit 0 Author Jane Gilmore Related Posts Article: Feminist activism and social media – the medium is not the message February 8, 2018 Article: Fact or fiction? Every third victim of intimate partner violence is a male January 25, 2018 Article: The dilemma of being sexy over the age of 45 January 18, 2018 Article: Is this the simplest way to discredit a woman? January 10, 2018