Published Articles Article: Guess how many Australian company directors think childcare is important November 7, 2017 Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Do you think affordable, high-quality childcare is an important issue? If you do, you’re almost certainly a parent and probably a woman. You are, however, very unlikely to be the director of an Australian company. Full article here Jane's NewsletterSign up now to get a 20% discount PLUS free postage on any book purchase from my website.The newsletter comes lands in your inbox (once a week at most) to give you updates about subscriber discounts, events and new publications by Jane Gilmore.SubscribeWe respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.Built with Kit 0 Author Jane Gilmore Related Posts Article: Feminist activism and social media – the medium is not the message February 8, 2018 Article: Fact or fiction? Every third victim of intimate partner violence is a male January 25, 2018 Article: The dilemma of being sexy over the age of 45 January 18, 2018 Article: Is this the simplest way to discredit a woman? January 10, 2018