Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children Podcast

In this special edition six-episode podcast, Jane Gilmore chats with some amazing guests about the themes behind the re-written children’s stories in her new book, Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children.

Jane and a special guest speaker in each episode will look at a particular myth about women and gender and how it impacts the economic, legal, social, political, physical and emotional safety of women and non-binary people.

You don’t need to read the book before you listen to the podcast, but if you do want to read it, you can read extracts and get your copy here (free postage within Australia) or from your preferred online bookseller.

You can find the podcast by searching for Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children on your preferred podcast app, or by clicking the relevant link below

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Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children Podcast

Episode List

Episode One: Snow White and the myths of agism
Guest: Yumi Lee, CEO of the Older Women’s Network

Jane and Yumi explore the wicked witch myth and modern agism: Why are older women the villains in fairy tales? What does the myth of the evil old crone tell women and girls about themselves and each other? How does this impact women’s economic, physical and psychological safety?

Episode Two: Cinderella and the value of women’s work
Guest: Wil Stracke, Assistant Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall Council

Jane and Wil do a deep dive women’s undervalued and unpaid work. How is the work done by women and girls valued? Who gets to decide its value? What standards do they apply? How much change have we achieved in the last 50 years? How did that happen? What can we learn from the past so we can keep change going in the future?

Episode Three: Sleeping Beauty and Consent
Guest: Lauren French, Head of Education, Body Safety Australia

Jane and Lauren talk through all the ramifications of the myth that women’s sexuality is passive. How does this imapct our understanding of consent? How do we teach consent to little children, teens, and adults? Where is the line between the legal definition and an understanding of consent that brings joy and fun to sex?

Episode Four: The Little Mermaid and being silenced
Guest: Steven Roberts, Professor of Education & Social Justice, Monash University

Jane and Steve pick apart the power of having a voice and the powerlessness of being silenced. Who gets to speak in public debate? Who is taken seriously? Who decides? What happens when people are silenced? Where do we learn who to listen to and who to erase? What do those lessons look like and can we change them?

Episode Five: Beauty and the Beast is coercive control
Guest: Jess Hill, Author of See What You Made Me Do

Jane and Jess dig down into the foundations of coercive control. What does it mean? What does it look like? How can we recognise it? What are the beliefs that underpin coercive control? What will new legislation mean for Australia? Are we making progress? What else do we need to do?

Episode Six: A better future – prevention and change
Guest: Emily Maguire, prevention expert and change leader

Jane and Emily pull together all the threads of the earlier episodes. How do myths build and reinforce men’s violence and women’s poverty? How does it impact people who live outside the gender binary? What lessons can we learn from the past to change the future?

If you enjoy the podcast, please don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and share widely!