Chaithanya “Swetha” Madhagani is dead. Her husband took her son and fled the country. He reportedly told her parents that he killed her. 

I defy anyone to find a report of her alleged murder that doesn’t sensationalise it with a reference to “wheelie bin murder”. 

Swetha was a woman. She was a PERSON. She had a life and a future that was viciously ripped away from her and all the people who loved her. 

Journalists are supposed to understand language. It is their job to use words to accurately describe events. WTF is wrong with them that they can’t tell the difference between a woman and a wheelie bin?

This is not an accident or slip up due to lack of resources and training. This is a choice. 

These examples are only a few of the many “wheelie bin murder” headlines from the last decade. Every single one of them were protested when they happened. Including the one from today. 

Next time a man kills a woman, hides her body in a wheelie bin, and the bin is the main focus of the headline, remember: whoever wrote the headline knew exactly what they were doing and chose to do it anyway.  

Want to know more? Buy the FixedIt book direct from my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the media’s constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it – even $5 a month makes a big difference – please consider becoming a Patron

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Books by Jane Gilmore

Fairy Tale Princesses Will Kill Your Children

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